Monday, October 4, 2010

The gap between hugs is getting smaller

This weekend was my SD's 12th birthday, follow that up with a hectic schedule of football games, tae kwon do, dance practices and needless to say this momma is worn out!! But as I sit here and review the events of the weekend, I have noticed one thing that made my smile stick for a little longer when it came time to drop off the SKs at BMs house. "The gap" between my hug with my SD got smaller!

Obviously when you hug someone, depending on the person, there is a certain amount of room, or a gap, in between the hug. First you have the 'uncomfortable hug', which is what I started out with when my stepkids came into my life. It almost seemed like a forced hug cause dad was watching, and lets hurry and do this so we can leave. Then you have the 'Pat Hug'. That's the hug when the gap is still there but you have the pat on the back for added trying...Next came the 'one armed side hug'. I think this hug came into play when BM got wind that my relationship with DH was getting serious and Im sure the BM rumor mill went blazing!! But lately I have noticed my relationship with my SKs becoming more and more...parent/child like. I can see it in their eyes when I pick them up or when they walk into the house, I see it in their stories they tell me about school, when they tell me about their activities, but with my stepdaughter I can see it in her hug.

After she thanked DH and me for her birthday party and her gifts, when it came time for the goodbye hug, I noticed the gap was damn near gone. After years and years of trying so hard to let her know Im not the bad guy and I wanna be active in her life, it just finally happened. What a feeling! The only feeling I could almost compare it to is when I gave birth to my Biokids. THAT is how awesome that hug felt.

So here's to baby steps, patience, perseverance and last but not least LOVE.

1 comment:

  1. My boys are 18, 13, 10 and 8 and they still hug their mama...I will admit, the older two have to be prodded at times, but younger still do more willingly :D Now my youngest, he is my lovey one and I dread the day he grows out of it...:(
